Look How Far She's Come...

Look How Far She's Come...
11.20.09 3 lbs. 3 oz. 16 in.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday!!

Yesterday my baby girl turned 1 year old! I didn't have time to update yesterday, we had a LONG day! She had the most wonderful party. It turned out great. We are so lucky and thankful for our families and everyone who helped make her birthday so special! I think we might have to add on a room for all the stuff she got!

I can't believe that a year ago we were still in shock that Fiona had been born already. She has gone through so much in this past year, but yet always has a smile on her face! I am glad she won't ever remember any of it.


I will add some pictures of her party later!


  1. She is SO precious!

  2. Dear Meghan & Tom,
    I came across your blog when researching Omphalocele. I saw the word in a commercial about birth defects and had never heard of it before. Your journal is informative and I thank you for sharing your thoughts.
    Little Fiona is adorable. I am especially enamored by her BIG smile. I'll keep her and you in my prayers, as she goes through more events and grows cuter every day. Give her an extra hug and kiss from me.
    God be with you all. In His Love, Jean Romansky
