Our days seem to go by so fast here! It is crazy! I have been horrible at keeping this updated! So let's see what has happened since the last time I posted...
Last Saturday was quite a crazy day. We don't have a nurse during the day now on weekends. So last Saturday Tom got up at 7 when our night nurse left. I was kind of half sleeping but woke up to him banging on the wall. So I threw on my robe and ran out to the living room. I'm not even sure what he said to me, everything is kind of a blur because it happened so fast. But I picked Fiona up out of the crib and she was blue and limp and unresponsive. Tom had been trying to get her oxygen back up, but it wasn't working. He was getting the stuff together to suction her but then we decided that we needed to do an emergency trach change in case it was clogged. So we did that while I was holding her (pretty sure that is not how you are supposed to do it!). Sometime in there he called 911. She was trying to ask him all sorts of questions but he was trying to suction her, so he just yelled that she had a trach, was blue, and our address and threw the phone on the coffee table! So after what seemed like an eternity we got her oxygen and heart rate back up to normal. She was fine by the time the ambulance got here. That was probably the most scared I have ever been in my entire life.
We had our first trip to Pittsburgh on Friday for an eye appointment. She had been seeing them every 2 weeks because the vessels in her eyes weren't fully mature. But they are mature now and we don't have to go back for 6 months! We then went to see OT to get a new support for her O that we use in the carseat because the other one doesn't fit anymore. We're not sure if the O has gotten any bigger, but it has definitely changed shape. She slept the whole way there and the whole way home!
She has been doing really well with her oxygen requirement. Today we have had her oxygen turned completely off (so that she is breathing room air) and she is doing great with it. That might be the first thing we can get rid of! Eating on the other hand has not been going so well. She was going in the right direction and then all of a sudden stopped wanting to eat. She hardly takes anything for us by bottle now and we have no idea why. Hopefully the OT is going to be able to get her to eat.
You and Tom are doing a great job. Fiona is lucky to have you as parents. I love the pictures.
ReplyDeleteOh man Meghan, that must have been so scary. So glad you guys were able to act so quickly to get her trache changed out. I'm praying that she starts eating better soon. Hang in there--you are taking such good care of little Fiona!