Look How Far She's Come...

Look How Far She's Come...
11.20.09 3 lbs. 3 oz. 16 in.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

We Had to Call 911 Again

Well it happened again on Sunday. The same exact thing that happened last time. Fiona was napping in her Nap Nanny in the living room. I had just gotten out of the shower and Tom had just gotten in. I went to check on her before going into the bedroom to get dressed, and good thing I did. She was facing away from me and must haver heard me somehow and woke up (she does that a lot). She was staring at me and I thought maybe if I just didn't talk to her she would fall back to sleep. I stood there for maybe a minute and then walked closer to the side of her and she started to cry and looked at me with the most terrified look on her face. She made the same really weird noise that she made last time and started panicking because she couldn't breathe. I yelled for Tom and he came running out and grabbed the bag and started bagging her while I patted her on the back. I managed to grab the phone and call 911, but sat the phone down because I had to do an emergency trach change. Somehow I did that by myself? Tom continued to bag her while I picked up the phone and talked to the 911 lady. Everything ends up being a blur after this happens, but then we secured her ties and she started to come back up to normal. Her oxygen and heart rate didn't drop quite as low this time as last time, but they were still pretty low and she was blue for probably 2 or 3 minutes. After she came back up to normal it was like she realized that something just happened and starting bawling and looked like she was scared to death. I couldn't manage to pick her up because I was practically on the floor bawling too. So Tom picked her up and the tears were just streaming down her face. THEN the ambulance shows up. They took her to the ER again and did a chest x-ray and tested for RSV just like last time. Everything was fine and so was she. She was being her goofy self smiling and trying to eat everything. We were there for about 2 1/2 hours and then came home. We still have no idea what is causing this to happen. We are trying a few things to see if they help like turning up the temperature on her humidifier and changing her trach more often. Hopefully these things will help to prevent it from happening again. But I was just starting to get over it happening the first time and now I am terrified again. I am scared to leave my house, go to sleep, or even go into the next room. I check on her every 5 seconds pretty much. UGH, I can't wait until this is over.

Surgery is in 1 week! AAHH! I am excited, scared, nervous, anxious, and pretty much any other emotion you can think of. It's going to be so weird to see her belly afterwards. I am anxious to see how much smaller the O will be and how much bigger her waist looks. Everyone keeps asking me what size clothes to get her for her birthday and I have no idea! She is in 3-6 months right now which are getting a little snug on her belly. So I don't know if she will still be in 3-6 months or 6-9. I guess we will just have to wait and see!

I am getting things in order for her birthday party. I am so excited and can't wait until then! I think she will be meeting her goal of her sitting up on her own by her birthday! Now we just need to teach her how to open presents!

She is back to her happy little self!


  1. Oh geez - not again! I can't imagine how terrified you must have been. I am so excited to hear about Fiona's surgery next week. Harper has started resting her hands on her O like a pregnant lady. I'm wonder if the girls will miss their O's once they are gone??? Love Fiona's contagious smile and we will continue the prayers on all fronts.

  2. Haha Brooke, Fiona used to do that all the time! And now she plays with it. I just posted a video on my facebook of her in the bathtub playing with it and trying to eat it, haha! I think they will miss them!

  3. Aww poor little girl! Jackson is still tiny and his O has been inside for almost a year. He wears 9 month clothing!! Glad to hear everything is OK now!

  4. Hi Meghan,
    I'm so sorry to hear about that--it must have been terrifying for all of you. Do they think it might have been a mucus plug? Hope everything is smooth sailing from here on out!

  5. Gives me goose bumps just reading that. Ingrid had a mucus plug when it happened to her. Praying for your family.
