First of all, I know I am slacking on updating the blog, sorry haha!
Fiona is doing great!! They did her first trach change on Wednesday and she did pretty good with it. They did give her some morphine just because it wasn't completely healed and they didn't want her to be in any pain. They did see some puss and a little swelling when they checked it so they did some cultures and it came back that she has a staph infection. They started treating it before they even knew if it was an infection for sure, so hopefully they got it! Tom and I started learning her trach care on Thursday. Our teacher, Chuck, is great! That day we just assisted for the most part. He taught us how to suction which is not too hard, we can now do that by ourselves! He went through all of the steps of how to change it and then I held it in while he changed the ties (which go around her neck to hold it in) and then he changed it. Then yesterday he let Tom change it while he assisted him and Tom did a great job! Hopefully soon we are pros! They are planning on transitioning her to a home ventilator some time this week (whenever it gets here) because it will be what we will have at our house and they want us to get used to it.
She is doing AWESOME with her feeds. Right now she is at 15 cc/hr and will get turned up to 16 at 2pm and then 17 at 2am and 17 is considered full feeds YAY! Yesterday was her last day of the TPN (IV nutrition) because she is now getting everything she needs from the breastmilk! We're not exactly sure where we go from there. The Occupational Therapist came up yesterday morning and was very impressed with how she sucks on her binky! She did say that she's not quite at the point of being able to bottle feed but she is pretty close!
Last night we got to put her in a bouncer and she loved it! She fell asleep in about 15 minutes! We're just so glad that we can get her up and out of bed more now. Every day we are getting a little closer to getting out of here! We're hoping that after she is done with her round of antibiotics and transitioned over to the home vent that we will be going to TIC so keep your fingers crossed!
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